About us
What it means to be a member of Witney & District Bar Billiards Association and a pub/club bar-billiards team.
Who We Are
The Witney & District Bar Billiards Association is a non-profit organization that plays and promotes the game of bar billiards in the Witney area of Oxfordshire and has been in existence for about 70 years. We welcome all players, regardless of age (16+ though as per pub regulations), experience and skill level.
What We Do
We run a league for players of all levels, from beginners to experienced players. We also organize tournaments and other events throughout the year. We can also provide coaching for players who want to improve their skills.
Why We Do It
Bar billiards is a very traditional pub game that provides healthy competition, social interaction (aka plenty of banter) and a sense of community. We also believe that it is important to promote the game in our community as we need to support our pubs as they are, or should be, at the heart of our communities. We have lost too many in recent years.
When We Do It
Our league plays on Thursday evenings between October and May. Normally starting not later than 8.30pm. We also organize tournaments and other events throughout the year.
Where We Do It
We play at a variety of venues in the Witney area, currently:
Lamb & Flag, Hailey
Masons, North Leigh
Red Lion, Cassington
Bletchingdon Sports and Social Club
A full list of all pubs and clubs which currently have bar billiards tables in Oxfordshire can be found here
How to get involved
If you are interested in entering a team, joining a team or would simply like more information about us, please contact us here
Some additional details about the game of bar billiards

Bar billiards is a cue game which originally evolved from the game of bagatelle.
It is played on a slate table covered with felt with rubber cushions, similar to a snooker table. The table measures 6′ by 3′ and has nine holes. Each hole has a value. There are also three pegs standing on the table, two white and one black.
The game is played with eight balls, a seven white balls and one red ball. The red ball always scores double. All shots are played from the ‘D’ and the cueball can be placed anywhere on the ‘D’.The goal of the game is to score points by pocketing the balls in the holes. However, a heads up here, there are also three pegs standing on the table, two white and one black. If you knock down a white peg while attempting to pot a ball you will lose your current break and if you knock down the black peg you lose the entire score that you have accumulated up to that point in the game. You also lose your current break if a ball leaves the playing surface or returns past the baulk lines either side of the ‘D’.
At the start of the game a handle is pulled which lifts a bar to allow the balls to become available. After about 18 minutes (table clocks vary) the bar will drop preventing the balls from returning when they are potted.
The winner of a game is the player who has scored more points at the end of that game.
Bar Billiards can be played by two players (singles) or four players (doubles).
Bar billiards is a challenging game that requires skill, strategy, and precision, but also it is an enjoyable game that can be played by anyone, regardless of skill level.
Full Witney & District Bar Billiards Association competition rules are here.
Want to get involved?
We would love to grow our league. If you would like to enter a team please contact us.