Current player most wins standings

2024-2025 season

There is a trophy for the player who records the most wins in their section over the season.

The tables below display the positions after week 20 of the season

Section One

Jon Bamsey Lamb & Flag, Hailey 12
Roger Bowen Red Lion, Cassington 11
Phil Chapman Red Lion, Cassington 11
Martin Friend Lamb & Flag, Hailey 9
Kevin Bull Red Lion, Cassington 8
Pete Soanes Bletchingdon SSC 'A' 8
Steve Walker Lamb & Flag, Hailey 7
Colin Winstone Bletchingdon SSC 'A' 6
Will Cormack Bletchingdon SSC 'A' 6
Andy Skinner Bletchingdon SSC 'A' 6
Ricky Bull Red Lion, Cassington 5
Jenny Parsons Lamb & Flag, Hailey 5
Paul Laithwaite Lamb & Flag, Hailey 3
Geoff Powell Bletchingdon SSC 'A' 1

Section Two

Fred Cook Masons, North Leigh 11
Scott Gillam Bletchingdon SSC 'B' 6
Pete Simmonds Masons, North Leigh 6
Gemma Wood Masons, North Leigh 5
Alan Pimm Bletchingdon SSC 'B' 5
Monty Hill Bletchingdon SSC 'B' 4
Enid Wain Bletchingdon SSC 'B' 3
Jake Skelding Masons, North Leigh 1
Jan Warner Bletchingdon SSC 'B' 1
Carolyn Simmonds Masons, North Leigh 0
Steve Leonard Masons, North Leigh 0
Roy Wain Bletchingdon SSC 'B' 0

Want to get involved?

We would love to grow our league. If you would like to enter a team, or join an existing team, please contact us.