
Winter Season 2022-2023

Below are the Witney & District Bar Billiard Association specific, constitutional and competition, rules. The association has adopted the AEBBA (All England Bar Billiards Association) rules in their entirety and added our local rules.




A1The league shall be managed by a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Competition Secretary, Treasurer, and Committee.

A2All houses entering the league shall pay £20 per team and £2 for each player who is registered .

A3A levy of 50p per week to be paid by playing members i.e. £2.50 per team per week.

A4Only by permission of the Committee will the registration of new players after the first two games be allowed.

A5House to House transfers will be permitted during the first four weeks of the league season at the Committee’s discretion.

A6No interchange of players from A, B or C teams will be permitted after registration, except if a team is forced to withdraw from the league, up to a period of four weeks into the playing season.

A7Any team lodging a protest must state nature of complaint to opposing captain at the time of the incident. Result cards signed by both Captains must be plainly marked SIGNED UNDER PROTEST and a letter sent to the Competition Secretary within 48 hours.

A8Should any team fall out of the league for any reason whatsoever, all points scored against that team will be cancelled and no points awarded for any outstanding matches. In the event of a player failing to put in an appearance in any league or cup match, his opponent shall claim the game and take for his score the average of the winning scores in the rest of the match.

A9Any member wishing to bring up a matter at the Annual General Meeting must send this in the form of a motion to be included on the Agenda, which must be in the Hon. Secretary’s hands seven days prior to the meeting.

A10All disputes or failures to adhere to the rules of the League shall be brought to the notice of the Secretary who will report to the Committee. The Committee shall have the power to provide for any contingency that may arise. The Committee shall have the power to impose any penalty that they may deem necessary and their decision shall be final on all matters brought to their notice .

A11The AGM will each year award honoraria to the Secretary, Competition Secretary and Treasurer to cover ‘out of pocket’ expenses, the amount to be decided annually.

A12 The WDBBA will play under the standardised All England Bar Billiards Association playing rules (2012) as listed separately.


B1There shall be a Captain for each team; each Captain (home and away) will be responsible for sending to the Competition Secretary a completed result card (in ink) signed by both Captains. Alternatively results may be sent in by email or via the British Bar Billiards Forum.

B2Before the start of the match the two Captains shall hold all members cards of the opposing team, face down, and the draw for the order of play shall be made. The first card drawn will be the first game and so on until the draw is completed. (Under no circumstances should the cards be laid out BEFORE making the draw).

B3The draw is to be made at 8.30 pm when play will start and play as drawn unless otherwise mutually agreed by the two captains. In the event of a player not being present when it is his turn to play he will forfeit his game.

B4Thursday will be the recognised day for League matches. Cancellation or postponement of matches will not be permitted, except in the event of ‘adverse weather conditions’ as agreed in consultation with the Competition Secretary

B5In all matches the visitors have the break in the second, third and fifth games.

B6In league competitions 5 points will be awarded per match, 1 point per game, ½ point per drawn game. If teams draw on points at the end of the season then the team winning more games will take precedence. If still drawn then the total aggregate score to count.

B7In the Individual and Pairs Championships Knock-Out there will be three games, the visitors to have the break in the first and third games. In the Open pairs, the order of play shall be maintained across all games so that any given player always follows the same opponent throughout the match and no player may take the first break in more than one game. In the Mixed Pairs the two opposing ladies shall play first and second in all games. In the event of a draw, the replay to take place on the ‘away’ player’s table. Any player (s) drawn against each other from the same house to play two games only, 1 break each. Quarter-final and semi-final stages of these competitions will be played home and away, each leg 2 games, home player(s) break first. If players from the same house meet in the quarter or semi-finals then they will play the best of four with the first drawn player(s) having the break in the first game. Aggregate scores to count in the event of a tie.

B7a Qualification for entry to the Whip Howard Champion of Champions Trophy shall be the player from each team that has won the most games in that team after a certain number of matches. The number of matches to be decided by the committee each season. In the event of a tie then highest aggregate score will decide.

B8In all Knock Out Competitions contact to be made by the home player(s) as soon as possible. Two dates are to be offered, one from Monday to Thursday and one from Friday to Sunday unless by mutual consent of the players concerned. In two leg games, the first named player(s) shall offer two dates for the first leg and the second named player(s) shall offer two dates for the second leg. Both sets of dates are to be provided on the basis of one from Monday to Thursday and one from Friday to Sunday unless by mutual consent of the players concerned. If no result is received by the Competition Secretary by the published ‘play by’ date both factions will be eliminated from the competition.

B9 In Knock Out Competitions one point will be awarded to every winning player, i.e. if a team wins three games to two the winning team shall have three points and the losers two. In the event of any game resulting in a draw, half a point will be given to each player.

B10In the Knock Out Competitions two matches will be played HOME AND AWAY; in the event of level points the aggregate score will count.

B11In all rounds of all singles, pairs and mixed pairs competitions the away player(s) shall not be allowed on the match table after the draw has been made, except to participate in league and team knock out matches. Anyone failing to comply with this rule will forfeit the match.


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